The evolution of R3VOLUTION
Last week the R3volution project consortium met in Thessaloniki, Greece for their second general project assembly. The meeting was hosted by the project partners from the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH).
During the meeting, the progress of the work packages and demonstration sites was reviewed and discussed, valuable suggestions were made and the groundwork for the next working steps of the project was laid out. The demonstration sites have been set up successfully and the research in the four different industries (pulp & paper, steel, petrochemical & bio-chemical) has begun. The partners also received valuable feedback from the expert members of the project advisory board that will help to improve the innovative journey that is still lying ahead.
The meeting was framed by a sightseeing tour of Thessaloniki and a conference dinner at the end of the first day.
Together, the consortium continues to strive for advanced solutions towards water reuse, circular economy, and sustainability in the industrial domain.