we revolutionize industrial water management!
The EU-funded R3VOLUTION project aims to revolutionize industrial water management in Europe by developing solutions that enable over 90% water reuse across water-intensive industries. At the same time over 45% of effluent solutes are recovered, over 50% of waste heat will be reused, and 100% of hazardous substances will be eliminated.
The solutions include membrane separation processes, advanced materials, tailored membrane-based treatment trains coupled with waste heat, and an AI-based Digital Process Assistant that defines the optimal configuration for different industry cases.
Four physical demo cases from the petrochemical, bio-based chemical, pulp & paper, and steel industries guarantee the transferability of the solutions. Cetaqua from Spain coordinates the project.
Learn more about the structure of the project and about our partners here:
Exciting Collaboration at the China-Spain New Energy and Materials Forum
The evolution of R3VOLUTION
R3VOLUTION is a partner of the Processes4Planet initiative, a co-programmed partnership between the process industries and the European Commission under Horizon Europe, based on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by the European Commission (the public partner) and A.SPIRE (the private partner and the representative of the process industries).

More details about the R3VOLUTION project partners can be found here.