the work-packages of the R3VOLUTION project

The consortium covers all competences required to develop R3VOLUTION solutions: Membrane technologies and design of treatment trains, energy recovery and digitalisation, considering also transversal competences such as economic, environmental and social assessment, together with dissemination and exploitation activities. R3VOLUTION is divided into seven Work-Packages (WP).


General information:

Project number: 101138245 Project name: A rEVOLUTIONary approach for maximising process water REuse and REsource REcovery through a smart, circular and integrated solution Project acronym: R3VOLUTION
Topic: HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-40 Type of action: HORIZON-RIA Service: HADEA/B/03:
Project starting date: 1. January 2024
Project duration: 31. December 2027 (48 months)

WP1 – Site characterisation, definition of baseline, and system design


1. To determine the optimal membrane material, functionalization, and configuration required to maximize the recovery of water, solutes, and energy for the industrial sites identified. 2. To characterize the industrial wastewater streams in terms of water quality and quantity for the industrial sites identified, together with the energy balance and waste heat recovery potential. 3. To design the R3volution treatment trains for the physical cases and virtual cases.

WP2 – Advanced approaches for membrane technology applications


1. To define key targets for the development of advanced membrane materials and processes (based on identified weaknesses of readily available/commercial solutions). 2. To supply high-performance membrane material and advanced-designed modules to be integrated into the pilot plants designed iin WP1 and constructed in WP4. 3. To define the optimal membrane process combination and operational regime for each stream. 4. Evaluation of passive and active heat recovery technologies for heat supply to membrane treatments.

WP3 – Digital tools


1. Development of Digital twin (DT) by hybrid modelling. 2. Development of ML models for process control and optimisation. 3. Development of XAIs for a better understanding of the generated knowledge. 4. Process optimisation based on the DT, also identifying the main burdens and evaluating feasible mitigations. 5. Integrate risk management in the DPA tool to enable decision-making (of water reuse strategy) by process control.

WP4 – System integration and demonstration


1. To construct and manage the integration and commissioning of the different physical case studies pilot plants. 2. To demonstrate and optimize the R3V treatment trains at pilot-scale in the different physical case studies through a scale-up to TRL6.

WP5 – Sustainability, circularity and social impact assessment


1. To estimate the environmental, economic, and social profile of the R3V technologies through a set of life-cycle sustainability indicators, including benchmark against a reference. 2. To demonstrate the technical and financial viability of R3volution solutions. 3. To demonstrate the replicability potential of R3volution solutions via virtual simulation of additional wastewater streams.

WP6 – Exploitation
and communication


1. To provide a strategic plan for communication, dissemination, and engagement inside and outside the project. 2. To disseminate the main activities and findings of the project through appropriate channels and tools. 3. To ensure the exploitation of the technologies developed within R3V by developing an IPP strategy, a business model, and an exploitation roadmap.

Project management


1. To ensure efficient administrative and budgetary management and control. 2. To manage the overall operational delivery and ensure work plan project objectives and outcomes are met. 3. To establish and implement an efficient open research data management strategy. 4. To manage project already identified risks and any other emerging risks during the project implementation.